The smile of every individual is unique in some regard. For having a smile makeover, many factors are taken into consideration. The major ways through which the smile can be corrected include the following:

  • Crooked teeth correction: The rectification of the crooked teeth can be done with the help of invisible or invasalign braces. Porcelain veneers can also be employed for having a much faster remedy. The only consideration for doing this is that the teeth have to be prepared for having veneers fixed to them.
  • The broken or chipped teeth can be repaired to improve the appearance.
  • Replacement of missing teeth: In most cases, smile makeovers include this major step. The missing gaps between the teeth are effectively removed by using various methods.
  • Gummy smile correction: Extension of the gums over the gum line can lead to the phenomenon of gummy smile.
  • Improvement in tooth colour can be performed. In some persons, the teeth might be badly stained due to bad oral habits. Procedures like teeth whitening and prophyflex whitening can be performed.

The above list does not end the number of smile makeover procedures. Depending upon the individual requirement, procedures can vary. Some of the other methods include zoom laser bleaching, gingival grafting, black line removal, use of dental implants etc. All these fall under the cosmetic remedies. The different orthodontic treatments are invasalign braces, removable orthodontics, orthodontic veneering etc. Other procedure that improve the smile are lip enhancement, smile broadening, fine line removal etc.